Survival Gear Equipment List

I have come up with various survival gear equipment lists to help you as you are shopping and preparing your on the go survival gear.

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2 thoughts on “Survival Gear Equipment List

  1. Lily says:

    I can see that you have had lots of experience in preparing for the worst-case scenario and that’s a good thing. So many people go hiking, fishing, or camping totally unprepared and that is just silly. You offer several options for different situations, thanks.

    I look forward to reading more of your survival tips and find your lists helpful.

  2. Lily says:

    I am so happy you enjoyed the survival gear equipment list. I agree that it is SO important to prepare for any outdoor outing such as hiking or fishing. You never know when you can be put into a situation that can turn into a dangerous scenario!
    Is there any specific list you would find helpful for me to write?
    -Lily W.


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