How To Open A Can Without A Can Opener- 3 Ways

Canned food

If you have already begun your prepping then you probably have months worth of canned goods ready to eat if the need arises.

You may have your handy dandy can opener and you may even have a fancy electric can opener. I personally own a small battery-operated can opener and have one in my survival kit as well.

But what if you didn’t have electricity to power your can opener? What if your handheld can opener malfunctioned?

How do you plan on opening your stockpile of cans then?

I have compiled three ways to open a can without a can opener to help you if you ever get stuck without a can opener.

Pocket Knife Method

For this method of opening a can without a can opener, you can use either a pocket or kitchen knife to assist you in opening your canned item.

1. Place your canned item on a sturdy and stable surface such as a counter or table.

2. Stand over the can for leverage.

3. Place the sharp end of your knife against the inner ledge of your can lid holding it with one hand. Make sure you are holding it vertically rather than at an angle. Make sure you had a good grip and that your fingers are clear if the knife slips

4. Use your second hand to lightly smack the back of the hand that’s gripping the knife handle. This gentle smacking motion will cause the tip of the knife to puncture the lid of the can.

5. Move your knife over a little and repeat the processes of vertically angling your knife and lightly tapping with your other hand.

6. Repeat the process of puncturing small holes with your knife all the way around the inner ledge of your can.

7. Your lid should now have holes around the entire ledge and be loose. Take your knife and put it under one of the holes and begin prying the lid off.

8. Gently pull the lid off of the can. If necessary, use a smaller knife to saw through the remaining connected parts of the lid.

A Few Tips:

Work slowly so that your knife doesn’t slip.

Be careful when prying the lid off as it will be very sharp.

Use a multitool pocket knife like the RoverTac Pocket Knife. (This knife has a can opener feature on it!!)

rovertac pocket knife

Spoon Method

For this method of opening a can without a can opener, you will need to use a metal or hard spoon.

1. Place your canned item on a sturdy and stable surface such as a counter or table.

2. Stand over the can for leverage.

3. Use one hand to hold the can in place while you hold the spoon with your other hand.

4. Place the tip of the spoon on the inner ledge of the can. You will want to place the spoon on the small raised lip of the can. Hold the spoon so that the inside curve of the spoon is facing the middle of the can.

5. Rub the spoon against the can back and forth along the lip. Work in a small section until the spoon breaks through the can. The friction from rubbing the spoon against the lid is what will allow you to break into the can.

6. Move your spoon over and begin to rub against another small section of the can until your spoon breaks through the lid.

7. Continue working around the entire lid until you have a small section of the lid still attached to the can.

8. Use your spoon to pry open and lift the lid of the can.

A Few Tips:

Use a metal spoon for quicker and best results

Be careful when prying the lid off.

spoon method

Rock or Concrete

For this method of opening a can without a can opener, you will need a flat rock or area of concrete.

1. Find a flat rock or area of concrete.

2. Place the can upside down on the rock or concrete.

3. Grab the can with your hand and rub back and forth against the rock or concrete. This creates friction between the can and the rock surface.

4. Continue rubbing the can against the surface until you see liquid appear on the lid or the surface of the rock or concrete. You can turn your can to check for liquid every so often to ensure you don’t rub completely through the seal of the lid.

5. Use the end of a spoon or knife to pry the lid off.

A Few Tips:

If using a rock, be sure it has rough enough edges to be able to break into the can.

Make sure your can is upside down so that the seal will break. concrete

Try It Out Yourself

Out of the 3 methods of how to open a can without a can opener, I prefer the pocket knife method.

I use my multi-tool pocket knife and have always been successful in opening the cans using the can opener feature.

I find this method easier to control and quicker to get into the can.

I find the spoon method time-consuming and it often ruins the spoon.

The concrete or rock method is nice if you are somewhere like camping and don’t have access to other tools or surfaces.

To learn more about other survival skills or where to begin your prepping journey, read my Prepping for Survival- Where to Begin article.


Have you ever opened a can without a can opener before? canned food

Which of the 3 ways to open a can without a can opener are you going to try?

All the best,

Lily W.

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2 thoughts on “How To Open A Can Without A Can Opener- 3 Ways

  1. Chuck Adkins says:

    Hi there, great information. I can’t tell you how many times I have forgotten the dang can opener. These are great survival tips. I knew the knife trick. However, the spoon and rock tips are new to me. Is this something I will need to practice prior to needing it? Thank you for a great article. I look forward to reading more of your blog.

    1. Lily says:

      Hi Chuck,

      I’m glad you have found this how to open a can helpful. I would practice them so that when the time to use them arises, you will already feel comfortable. You can also pick one out of the three methods and become a master at that method. I personally tend to use the knife trick the most.

      Have a great day,

      Lily W.


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