Drinking Straw Filter- Have Drinkable Water On the Go.

Drinkable Water

Has there been a time when you were extremely thirsty?

Have you ever been somewhere and ran out of water?

Most of us have not had to worry about where our next clean drink of water will come from and we are very lucky for that, yet there are so many situations that we can run into where we may not have access to clean and drinkable water.

I personally have been on a hike and drank my water bottle too fast and then was left without water for the rest of the hike. Though going only a few hours without water is not life-threatening, I wish I would have known about a drinking straw filter because I would have brought it with me. Now that I have a drinking straw filter I bring it with me everywhere so I have the ease of mind that I can have a CLEAN and DRINKABLE source of water wherever I may go

Importance of Drinking Water

Having a drinking straw filter is the ultimate survival tool. Most people become dehydrated when they are without water for 3 days. When the body is dehydrated it can turn a greyish-blue color due to the lack of blood flow that water provides. After three to five days without water, your organs begin to shut down.

Isn’t crazy the impact of not consuming water has on our bodies?! As you can see drinking water is very important for our bodies. Now can you imagine being somewhere where you could not drink way? For example, say you are hiking and get lost and need a clean source of water. You would not want to drink that water from a puddle or from a pond due to it being unclean. But if you have a drinking straw filter with you, that dirty pond turns into an instant drinkable water source! This will allow you to stay hydrated in any situation and focus on your survival as you are on the go.


Obviously, it is not a good idea to drink straight from any random pond or stream you come across. In those bodies of water, there are tiny germs that can make you very sick. There are many water-borne pathogens that we have to avoid when drinking water. Luckily by having a drinking straw filter, you will be able to filter out those harmful toxins. Drinking straw filters can filter out 99.9% of bacteria that is found in water sources. This includes the ability to filter out E. Coli and Salmonella. It also can filter out 99.9% of dirt particles, sand, and cloudiness that may be in the water. By using a drinking straw filter you are able to have peace of mind that your water is drinkable even in the harshest conditions.

If you are in an on the go survival scenario, you can also boil the water before using the life straw. You would do this by collecting water in a container and boiling it over a fire. This will ensure that all harmful particles have been removed. You can then drink the water once it has cooled using your filtered straw.

How to Use

A great thing about the drinking straw filter is that it light and durable. Most of the filtered straws weigh less than 2 ounces and can fit into any bag and take with you on the go.

There are many drinking filter straws on the market today. There are key chains sized ones, ones for your water bottle, and ones that you can stick directly into a body of water and drink out of.

How to use one that you stick into the water.

  1. Open the bottom cap and place the bottom into the water source. Let it sit for about 20-25 seconds.
  2. Using the top of the straw slowly sip water and once the water begins to flow you can take stronger sips.
  3. Once you are done drinking, blow air through your straw to keep the straw dry and clean.

It is so simple and easy to use a filtered straw and have quick access to drinkable water!

Examples of When to Use a Filtered Straw

  • Hiking
  • Camping
  • Kayaking or canoeing
  • Survival scenarios.
  • If your car breaks down in a remote area and you have to walk a days journey for help
  • Boondocking
  • Fishing
  • Traveling to other countries

The Ups and Downs of Owning a Filtered Straw

The Ups

  • Great for preparedness and survival
  • Peace of mind for you and your family
  • Easy to use
  • Removes harmful bacteria and contents from water sources
  • Portability
  • Can filter thousands of gallons of water
  • Affordable
  • Ideal for many situations
  • Can improve the taste and odor of any water.

The Downs

  • Some can be made of cheap plastic
  • Can clog if not properly cared for after each use
  • Some brands can be very pricey.

Let’s Go and Drink Some H2O

I suggest keeping one in your purse, having one in your car, and having some in your emergency survival bag. Make sure that you buy one for each member of your family so that everyone has their own access to safe filtered water. You can even buy a carry case to hygienically store your straw in.

Imagine being able to simply get on your knees and drink from a water source. By having a filtered drinking straw your mind is at ease that you will not have to worry about where your next clean sip of water will come from.

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